
HEPTANE: A modular Tool for Static WCET Analysis

The aim of Heptane is to produce upper bounds of the execution times of applications. It is targeted at applications with hard real-time requirements (automotive, railway, aerospace domains). Heptane computes WCETs (Worst Case Execution Time) using static analysis at the binary code level. It includes static analyses of micro-architectural elements such as caches and cache hierarchies with several replacement policies and it implements IPET (Implicit Path Enumeration Technique) to estimate the WCET. Heptane is available under the open source software, GPL3 licence.

You can find the virtualbox virtual machine at this url.

Installation Instructions
To install it, you have to import the vm and you may need to generate a new mac address during the import.
Then once started, you have to open a shell and then:

cd Desktop/Heptane
 ./analysis.sh matmult

The output should provides something similar to this picture.


You may need to change the keyboard layout. It is in the menu (top left corner) > Settings > Keyboard > Layout.
In case the screen does not scale, you have to install the guest additions (Device > Insert Guest Additions CD image).
If needed the root password is just: password.

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